LP Somlit, very chatty monk. LP was scammed by the ex-contractor quite a huge sum of money that was meant to be use for building the new temple. We had since started some donation drive to help LP continue building the temple.
Recommendation ****
LP is able to tell fortune, as well as clear past life karma |
Some gifts from LP Somchit |
May 2015
LP Somchit showing his new idea of replacing the window decor with the marble plaque instead.
He feels that the window decor is too "common" and easily dirty due to pigeon residing on them |
Plaque made from granite - symbol of Buddhist Association - below will bear
the donors name |
The original window decor will be replaced - approved by the Buddhist Association |
The donation drive was suppose to fund 4 windows and an entrance. LP Somchit
"accidentally" received donation for the entrance. That means I need to redirect my funds
to build the Naga stairway that will cost more - 150, 000baht. I have 45,000 baht raised;
that means I'm short of 105,000 bahts |
An example of how the plaque will look like |
Previous batch of names on granite ready |
125,000 baht raised |
Helping forum member checking his fortune |
LP Somchit blessing my kmt |
Gift to forum member whom I asked his fortune on behalf |
Gift from LP Somchit |
Gift from LP Somchit |
4 windows donors' granite plaque - LP Somchit had it made in 3 days!
Amazing... |
Revisited in July 2015
LP Somchit doing Cut Past Life ritual for a forum member |
LP Somchit uses illustrations to read fortune |
The exchange rate I got to exchange Donation funds for the temples |
Donation funds handed to LP Somchit this trip |
Total amount raised - (Previous 45,000baht + This 68,363baht) = 113,363 baht.
Target require 150,000baht - 113, 363 baht = Shortage 36,637 baht
The shortage funds will be handed to LP Somchit in Sep
Name list that will be engraved in marble plaque for the Left and Right side of the Naga Stairway of the Temple |
All amounts have been handed to LP Somchit |
Helping a forum member checking her fortune |
Discussion with LP Somchit on the construction of the stairway |
Current construction progress of the temple |
Gift from LP to the forum member |
Gift from LP Somchit - Bucha from Ayutthaya era |
Gift from LP Somchit - I had it cased in silver and will give this to the forum member instead. Hope it can help her |
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