Friday, November 14, 2014

Samut Sakhon - Wat Chong Lom - LP Kaeo

Wat Chong Lom or Wat Sutthi Wata Wararam fronting the river mouth is located at Tambon Tha Chalom on the western side of the Tha Chin River. It was constructed during the Ayutthaya period. At the front of the temple is a statue of King Rama V, celebrating his royal journey to Tha Chalom. 

The huge Ubosot shows beautiful murals on the walls and in a secondary hall next to the Ubosot is a statue of the highly revered monk LP Kaeo where there are hundreds of birds (swiftlets) nesting inside the roof.  

The temple keeper mentioned that during the earlier days when LP Kaeo's statue was in the main hall the swiftlets started nesting there; and they followed and change their nesting to the current hall when the temple shifted LP Kaeo's statue to the secondary hall.  The bird nest harvested became an important source of revenue for the temple since.

The temple is located on the mouth of Ao Samut Sakhon, Tambon Tha Chalom. It is accessible by taking Highway No. 35 and turning left at Km. 35 into Sutthiwatwithi for 3 kilometers.

The temple is open daily from 8.00 am-4.30 pm.

Recommendation ****

Fronting the river
The main ubosot

Beautiful murals on the walls of the main ubosot

Secondary Hall where LP Kaeo's statue is now

Nesting of swiftlets - Birdnest

I was told that there were about 50, 000 swiftlets nesting here.
Inside this access to the higher roof houses more swiftlets.
The temple keeper have to wait for their return at 6pm
before closing the door.
Birdnest harvested

These are baby swiftlets that fell off and taken care of by
the temple keeper.

I donated some money for the temple keeper to buy fresh prawns
to feed them every morning
This particular baby swiftlet came up to my hand upon my donation,
and laid down in my hand quietly.  I wondered if it's thanking me,
or because of the warmness in my palm.  Maybe I think too
Some amulets for rent in the secondary hall

LP Kaeo's Rian BE2521
While I was praying to LP Kaeo with the amulet that I just rented, 
I suddenly had a strong feeling to take some gold foil from his 
statue and paste it on the rian.  I asked the temple keeper for 
permission before doing so.


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